11th of March 2013 Glamour's kittens have taken to racing up and down the hallway, creating as much noise as they can and jumping in and out of the tunnel, playing hide and seek games.
28th of February 2013
20th of February 2013 Glamour's bunch have reached the 6 week mark and have been to the vet for their first vaccination and checkup. At the moment, chasing games and the scratching pole are their favourites. 12th of February 2013 The kittens have been registered with the NSW CFA. Glamour's female kitten is the Glamarama of the litter named after the nearby Tamarama beach and the boys have been named after the northern beaches, Narrabeen and Dee Why.
7th of February 2013 At 5 weeks old, Glamour's kittens are eating kitten food and using the litter trays like experts. They seem very independent from their mother for such young things. Of course, Glamour still keeps a watchful eye over them.
1st of February 2013 It is the 4 week anniversary of the beginning of Glamour's labour of love! The kittens are charging around, are very responsive to people and are contemplating the joys of food and the quandary of litter trays.
26th of January 2013 Glamour's kittens have hit the 3 week mark, have moved house again and are off exploring the room.
19th of January 2013 Glamour's kittens are two weeks old and have opened their eyes. They have ventured out of the cubby house and are becoming quite mobile. 11th of January 2013 So it has been a week since the drama started and Glamour decided it was time for her kittens to move house! She has moved them into the scratching post house where they seem quite happy. 4th & 5th of January 2013 Glamour has given birth to three tawny kittens, two males and a female. She has been a pillar of strength and so calm and relaxed through the ordeal of having one naturally, one induced and one by c-section over more than 24 hours. Swift Glamour Cat and Merindalee Sam I Am's kittens are due on the 4th of January 2013 |
© Website designed and maintained by Wendy Newton 2007-2013 |